Dinara Gagarina

Dr. Dinara Gagarina

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin

Department Geschichte
Lehrstuhl für Neuere und Neueste Geschichte mit dem Schwerpunkt der Geschichte Osteuropas

Raum: Raum 2.312, Bismarckstraße 12, 91054 Erlangen


Montags, 9 bis 10 Uhr

  • Digital history and digital humanities.
  • Historical information systems and databases. Models, principals, design. Relational databases. Data storage and retrieval.
  • Information systems for history research. Web-applications.
  • Mathematical modeling and quantitative methods in history.
  • Digital education. Digital humanities pedagogy.

CV in PDF.

2023 – present Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg: researcher
2023 – 2024 American University of Central Asia, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan: visiting research fellow
2022 – present Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Budva, Montenegro: head of the Digital Humanities major
2018 – 2022 HSE University, Moscow and Perm, Russia:
  • Center for Digital Humanities, acting director, 2022;
  • Master’s program Digital Humanities, academic supervisor, 2020-2022;
  • Group for Historical Research, head of the group, 2021-2022;
  • Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, dean, 2019-2021;
  • Department of Humanities, head of the department, associate professor, 2018-2022.
2004-2019 Perm State University, Perm, Russia:
  • Center for Digital Humanities (till 2016 – Historical and Political Information Science Laboratory), researcher, project manager, 2004-2019;
  • Department of Information Technologies, associate professor, 2004-2018;
  • Department of Russian Contemporary History, associate professor, 2009-2018.
2018-2023 Visiting Lecturer: Nazarbayev University, Astana, Kazakhstan; European Humanities University, Vilnius, Lithuania; Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, etc.
2007 – 2022 Fellowships, internships and summer schools:
  • European Summer University in Digital Humanities “Culture & Technology”, Leipzig University, Germany, 2016-2022;
  • summer school “Beyond Editing: Advanced Solutions and Technologies”, DARIAH, Prague University, 2017;
  • program “TXM technology”, Laboratory ICAR, University of Lyon, France, 2015;
  • program “Scientific and educational information systems for historians” University of Cologne, Germany, 2007;
  • program “Information technologies in teaching humanities”, University of Graz, Austria, 2007.
2009 PhD in eLearning and Digital Education in History, Russian Academy of Education, Moscow
2004 MA in Mathematics (Mathematical modeling), Perm State University
2002 BA in Mathematics, Perm State University

Languages English (C1); German (B1); Russian (native).

Publications in Citation Data Bases

Books (in Russian):

  1. Antopolsky A., Bonch-Osmolovskaya A., Borodkin L., Volodin A., Gagarina D., Grishin E., Kizhner I., Orekhov B., Rumyantsev M., Smetanin A. Digital humanities research. Krasnoyarsk: Sibir federal university, 2023. 272 p. https://bik.sfu-kras.ru/ft/LIB2/ELIB/b71/free/i-494468.pdf
  2. Kornienko S., Gagarina D., Povroznik N. Historical information systems: theory and practice, HSE University press, 2021, 232 p.
  3. Gagarina D. Highly developed information educational environment of the university as a tool of formation of higher education humanitarian component (on example of the course of Russia’s history). Perm, 2009.
  4. Gagarina D., Kornienko S. The formation of information-communication competence based on studying native history. Tutorial for teaches. Perm, 2007.
  5. Gagarina D., Gagarin A. Robotics in Russia: an educational landscape / Ed.: D. Gagarina, S. Kosaretsky. Part 1. Moscow, HSE University, 2019.
  6. Gagarina D., Kosaretsky S., Gagarin A., Goshin M. Robotics in Russia: an educational landscape / Ed.: S. Kosaretsky, D. Gagarina. Part 2. Moscow, HSE University, 2019.

Selected articles and abstracts (in English)

  1. Gagarina D. Data and Knowledge Modelling as the Methodological Foundation of the Digital Humanities. In: Disegno 2023/1: 26–45. https://doi.org/10.21096/disegno_2023_1dg
  2. Gagarina D. Digital History in Central Asia: Initiatives, Regional Specifics and Community. In: Bulletin of the L. Gumilyov ENU Series: Historical Sciences. Philosophy. Religious studies. 2024, vol. 148: 36-55. doi.org/10.32523/2616-7255-2024-148-3-36-5
  3. Gagarina D. Russian-Ukrainian War Art: Data Collection and Analysis. In: Digital Humanities 2023: Book of Abstracts. Graz 2023. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7961822
  4. Ismakaeva I., Kornienko S., Gagarina, Senina A. Digital approaches for studying elected representative institutions in late imperial Russia. In: Science and Global Challenges of the 21st Century – Science and Technology. Cham: Springer, 2022. Ch. 342. P. 919-926.
  5. Gagarina D., Ismakaeva I. Public history and the digital turn (The Russian Case). In: Public History Weekly. 2021. Т. 9. № 10.
  6. Gagarina D. Making DH-course together. In: Digital Humanities 2018. Conference Abstracts.
  7. Kornienko S., Gagarina D. The First World War in Perm provincial periodicals. In: Digital Humanities 2016. Conference Abstracts.
  8. Gagarina D., Kornienko S. Digital editions of Russian provincial periodicals for scholarly usage. In: Digital Editions: Academia, Cultural Heritage, Society. Cologne, 2016.
  9. Kornienko S., Aydarov, Y., Cherepanov F., Gagarina D., Yasnitskiy L. Manuscript and early printed text recognition application. In: Association Newsletter History and Computer. № 37. 2011. Pp. 62-65.
  10. Gagarina D. Newspaper “Perm provincial sheets” 1838-1844’s.: Problems of source-study research and historical and cultural heritage preservation. In: Documentation and Analysis of the Historical and Cultural Heritage by Historical Information Science Methods. Series of the Institute of History (University of Graz), vol. 18 / eds. by S. I. Kornienko and I. H. Kropač. Perm–Graz: Perm University. Pp. 90-99.

Selected articles (in Russian)

  1. Gagarina D. Digital Humanities in Central Asia: notes on the margins of the round table. In: Digital Humanities, 2023, № 1 (in print).
  2. Gagarina D., Kornienko S. Digital Humanities: educational landscape. In: Istoriya. 2020. No. 3 (89). Pp. 1-15.
  3. Gagarina D., Gagarin A. Educational robotics: analysis of market challenges. In: Educational Policy. 2021. No. 4 (88). Pp. 90-102.
  4. Kornienko S., Gagarina D., Ismakaeva I., Maslov V. Migration as a factor in the social transformation of the regions of the USSR in the period of post-war reconstruction: the creation of a scientific and educational resource. In: Historical research in the context data sciences: information resources, analytical methods, and digital technologies. 2020. Pp. 50-52.
  5. Gagarina D., Kornienko S. Digital optics: micro and macro in historical research. In: Perm University Herald. Series History. 2019. No. 3. Pp. 175-183.
  6. Kornienko S., Gagarina D., Ehlakova A., Sotnik A. The Revolution of 1917 and the Civil War in the Perm provincial periodicals: from sources to the information system // Vlast. 2018. № 3.
  7. Kornienko S., Gagarina D., Povroznik N. Information systems in the digital environment of historical science. In: Istoriya. 20 № 7 (51).
  8. Kiryanov I., Korniyenko S., Gagarina D., Sotnik A. Deputies with recurring parliamentary status in late imperial Russia: case of the State Duma of the fourth convocation, 1912–1917. In: Perm University Herald. Series History. 2017. No. 1 (36). Pp. 178-188.
  9. Kornienko S., Povroznik N., Gagarina D., Harisova A. University and library: cooperation in the field of preservation and study of provincial periodicals. In: The role of libraries in information support of historical science: a collection of articles. Moscow, 2016. Pp. 500-514.
  10. Kornienko S., Gagarina D. Russian history: new methods of sources study. In: Vlast. № 9.

Updated: April 2024

  • Postcolonial Digital Humanities in Central Asia (FAU, 2023)
  • Russia-Ukraine War Art (AUCA, 2023).
  • Migration as a factor in the social transformation of the regions of the USSR in the period of post-war reconstruction: analysis by tools of digital humanities (HSE, 2020-2022).
  • Biography of museum computerization (HSE, 2022).
  • Oral histoRies on the fAll of The irOn cuRtain (ORATOR) (Luxembourg University, 2019-2021).
  • Heraldry (database and research of educational and career trajectories of the 18th century nobility) (HSE, 2021-2022).
  • Concepts and approaches of Digital Humanities: educational course (PSU – HSE, 2017-2018).
  • Information environment of historical education: model, resources, teaching methods (PSU, 2011-2012).
  • Formation of parliamentary subelite in late imperial Russia (PSU, 2016-2018).
  • The Russian Revolution of 1917 and the Civil War in Perm Province Periodicals (PSU, 2016-2017).
  • Historical information systems: methodological, theoretical, and applied problems of creation and use (PSU, 2013-2015).
  • Perm Province Periodicals (1914-1919) as a historical source for the First World War study: Information System Creation and Source Study Analysis (PSU, 2014-2015).